Documentation > CMS Template API Library > Asset > GetFolderList(SortOrder,Nullable[Int32],List[String],List[String],List[String],List[String],Boolean)


Gets a list of subfolders in this folder. All parameters are optional.

public List<Asset> GetFolderList(SortOrder,Nullable[Int32],List[String],List[String],List[String],List[String],Boolean)


Optional:The list of subfolders.


sortOrder Optional: The sort order. Defaults to null. CrownPeak.CMSAPI.SortOrder
limit Optional: The maximum number of assets to return. Defaults to null. Nullable<Int32>
fieldNames Optional: The names of fields that will be preloaded into the returned assets. Defaults to null. List<String>
excludes Optional: Labels of the assets to be excluded from the returned list. Defaults to null. List<String>
filterStatus Optional: The workflow statuses to filter on. Defaults to null. List<String>
excludeFilterStatus Optional: The workflow statuses to exclude. filterStatus will be ignored if this is set. Defaults to null. List<String>
excludeProjectTypes Optional: Set to false if you want project related types like libraries templates, etc to be returned. Defaults to true. System.Boolean

Code Example


// Get the folders from an asset, but no more than 10, note how we pass an optional arg.  Order doesn't matter
// if you use named parameters
List<Asset> folders = asset.GetFolderList(limit: 10);

// Load up to 10 assets and preload the fields foo and bar into each asset's field cache, if they exist
List<Asset> folders = asset.GetFolderList(limit: 10, fieldNames: Util.MakeList("foo","bar");

// Don't load any children named "Configuration"
List<Asset> folders = asset.GetFolderList(excludes: Util.MakeList("Configuration");

// Load folders with workflow that are in the "Stage" state.
List<Asset> folders = asset.GetFolderList(filterStatus: Util.MakeList("Stage"));

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